Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Our last week at Kenya

We just concluded our 3-week on-site project at AAR and are very happy with the work we delivered and with the positive feedback from management and staff. On Tuesday we gave our final presentation to AAR’s management and to staff from Human Resources and AAR’s Group Care. Our presentation focused on the methodology we used to create the process manuals, the best practices we learned during our project at AAR, and the benefits of documenting processes. We thought this would be the best way to pass on our knowledge and experience to an internal ARR group that can capitalize on our work and continue the task of documenting all processes across AAR. We also showed the product of our 3 week project, 25 manuals for the Team Leader, Medical Assessor, Claims Assessor and Membership leader positions.

During our presentation, we devoted a significant portion of the time for Q&A and enticed participants to voice what they thought could be the benefits and the challenges in carrying ahead our project. The discussion was lively as the Human Resources members present were very interested in understanding the details of our work and wanted to know our opinion on what we thought could be the best way to complete the manual documentation task for the rest of the Kenya operation and then to the other AAR companies in East Africa. To respond to this, we emphasized the need of appointing a full time team to accomplish this task rather than assigning it in addition to their daily tasks. We also stressed the importance of following the framework/methodology we documented in the presentation, and in particular of performing the different testing rounds we recommended to ensure that all documented processes are 100% accurate.

We had a great time in Kenya and were gladly impressed by the kindness of everyone we crossed paths with. Our farewell from AAR was emotional, and it was sad to say goodbye to all the new friendships we made. It was also sad to say goodbye to Mrs. Beckmann and to her house staff, who took care of us during our stay. We hope to stay in touch with the people we met with and to come back to Kenya in the near future! Ashante sana AAR!